Author spotlights will be held throughout the course of Fyrecon in the main lobby by the vendors room. These spotlights give a chance for authors to interact with the public and are the primary venue for signings during Fyrecon. The spotlight schedule will be listed on its own page under the schedules.

To participate in the spotlights, please fill out the form below. Spotlight signup will close on June 1st, 2018. Our Spotlight team will review your application and be in touch with you.

In the meantime, if you have any questions please let us know.

Fyrecon 2 Author Spotlight Application

Fyrecon 2 Author Spotlight Application

As applicable. If nothing is entered it defaults to the author's name.
All bios must be 100 words or less.
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Select days you are available.
Select all that apply

Maximum file size: 516MB

Maximum file size: 516MB

Please enter the titles of up to 3 books you will have at the event to sell. You may bring additional titles as desired.