Kary’s upcoming master workshop at Fyrecon events

Kary English is a Hugo and Astounding finalist whose work has been published by Galaxy’s Edge, Daily Science Fiction, Writers of the Future, and Tor Nightfire.
Fyrecon Master Workshop

Lyrical Writing: The Taste and Texture of Prose
4 Hour Master Workshop for $99
(includes Whole Conference general admission to Fyrecon)
Class is limited to 20 students
Class Dates
Part 1: Friday, December 1, 2023, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Mountain Time
Part 2: Sunday, December 3, 2023, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Mountain Time
At Fyrecon 7
Explore the sound, rhythm, and flow of prose with Hugo and Astounding nominee Kary English. First we’ll take a deep dive into the science of sound and the mouthfeel of prose. We’ll cover the use of literary devices such as alliteration, assonance, and scansion to enhance the mood and beauty of prose. Then we’ll look at examples from Tolkien, Emily Dickinson, and Rodgers & Hammerstein. We’ll have some fun with Shakespearean insults, and Kary will suggest avenues for further study. Students should bring two sentences, from their own work or that of others, that they find beautiful.