Fyrecon is pleased to present Fyrelite! A day each quarter for extra writing classes.
The classes lined up for June 17 have a professional development theme.
From what to look at in contracts with Martin Shoemaker, the why and history of of SEO with one of our founders, DawnRay Ammon, A overview of being panelist from Miscon chair Justin Barba, To building a tracking system for your writing submissions by Founder Jenna Eatough, there is class for anyone. Learn to build your writing community and more. This whole day will be free and online so you can join from anywhere.
The day will wrap up with special event By Kary English doing Writers of the Future Slush pile submissions from attendees.
You can submit your story here
Fyrelite Summer 2023, June 17, 2023
Fyrelite Summer 2023 WritingClass 
Not on Your Life! Contract Clauses I Wouldn’t Sign
Presented by: Martin L. Shoemaker
Legally I CAN’T advise you on your publishing contracts. (And neither can your agent. Did you know that?) But I can tell you what I would do—and wouldn’t. In this session, I’ll look at egregious contract terms and tell you why I wouldn’t sign them. What YOU do is up to you.

1 Hour Writing Class
June 17, 2023, 3:00 PM to 3:50 PM Mountain Time at Fyrelite Summer 2023
Fyrelite Summer 2023 WritingWorkshop 
The Slush is ALIVE!
Presented by: Kary English
Here is a Fyrecon exclusive: A chance to get a step further on your journey as a writer.
Ever wonder how a story passes from the slush pile at the worldwide Writers and Illustrators of the Future Contests (WotF) to the Judges? First Reader and award-winning author Kary English will be doing the ‘Slush Is ALIVE!’ event to show how your past or future contest entries would do on the slush pile reading. See if you can get past the first reader at Writers of the Future. Fyrecon was able to secure permission for Kary do this exclusive event!
Want to have your story read?
Don’t worry! Submitting your story for ’Slush is Alive’ DOES NOT break anonymity for submitting to the Contest. Our submission system preserves your anonymity.
Space is limited. Reserve your spot now.

2 Hour Writing Workshop
June 17, 2023, 5:00 PM to 6:50 PM Mountain Time at Fyrelite Summer 2023
Fyrelite Spring 2023 WritingClass 
Get Ready to Submit: What to Consider Tracking
Presented by: Jenna Eatough
So, you’re ready to start submitting your stories out into the world. Excellent, but what are different types of information you want to track when you send out and when the responses return.

1 Hour Writing Class
June 17, 2023, 4:00 PM to 4:50 PM Mountain Time at Fyrelite Spring 2023
So You Want to be a Panelist: Advice from the MisCon chairJustin Barba presents So You Want to be a Panelist: Advice from the MisCon chair1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
Not on Your Life! Contract Clauses I Wouldn’t SignMartin L. Shoemaker presents Not on Your Life! Contract Clauses I Wouldn’t Sign3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
The Slush is Alive!Kary English presents The Slush is Alive!5:00 pm - 6:50 pm
Bar Con7:00 pm - 10:00 pm