Rebekah’s upcoming master workshop at Fyrecon events

Rebekah R. Ganiere is a USA Today Bestselling Author and Award Winning, Emmy Nominated Screenwriter. Her debut novel Dead Awakenings, hit the bestseller list on release day. She has won several awards in both writing and screenwriting. Books in her popular fairytale retelling series Fairelle have won many awards including the Golden Palm and was a finalist for Rone Award as well as won Best Fantasy Series of 2014 from the Paranormal Romance Guild. Her trilogy The Society re-released last year, and her series Wolf River released in 2016. Rebekah is a prolific author releasing upwards of five books a year and is currently working on six different series.
Rebekah is the former President of the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Chapter of RWA as well as a member of several local and online chapters. In her spare time when she isn’t writing you can find her teaching all over the US and online. Rebekah has been a guest speaker and panelist at San Diego Comic Con, Wondercon, Salt Lake Comic Con, Long Beach Comic Con, Comikaze, Fyrecon and several other Comic Cons on the west coast as well as LTUE, Romantic Times Convention, RWA, InD’Scribe, Genre LA and Authors After Dark and Book Lovers Con. Her first feature film released last year based on her novel Rekindling Christmas and was nominated for an Emmy for Best Picture.

Fyrecon Master Workshop

Writing for the Darkside: Villains, Antagonists and Monsters
4 Hour Master Workshop for $99
(includes Whole Conference general admission to Fyrecon)
Class is limited to 24 students
Class Date
November 19, 2021, 4:00 PM to 7:50 PM Mountain Time
At Fyrecon 5
Have you ever watched a movie and rooted for the villain? Do you read books where you cringe and are yet delighted by the awfulness of the bad guy? Have you ever seen a villain transform before your eyes as you realize their motives are not that far gone from what you yourself believe? These are great villains! Contrary wise – Have you ever read a villain sitting in a oversized chair stroking his longhaired cat? Or giving a long winded explanation to the hero of what he is going to do next right before he attempts to kill said hero? Or how about a bad buy who strides down the street all in black his menacing look scaring everyone in sight? Big difference right?
Villains, bad guys and monsters can make or break your book. In this class you will learn exactly what you need to write a believable and memorable bad guy. You will learn how to make them tick, how to make them real and how to get your readers cringing and still wanting more. From motivations to backstory and minions to stereotypes you will leave the class with the tools necessary to create your own worst (or best) villain yet.