Julie’s upcoming master workshop at Fyrecon events

Julie E. Czerneda

Having written 23 novels (and counting) published by DAW Books, as well as numerous short stories, and editing several anthologies over the past 25 years, Julie E. Czerneda was inducted in the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame in 2022. Her science fiction and fantasy combines her training and love of biology with a boundless curiosity and optimism, winning multiple awards. Out Sept 20, 2022 is Julie’s first short story collection, Imaginings, followed November 15th by her standalone sf novel, To Each This World. For more visit czerneda.com. Julie is represented by Sara Megibow of KT Literary.

To Each Their World

long lost sleeper ships, sent centuries earlier from Earth to settle distant worlds.
A trio of Humans must work with their mysterious alien allies to rescue any descendants they can find on those worlds. Something is out there, determined to claim the cosmos for itself, and only on Earth will Humans be safe.
Or will they?


How do you mark a quarter century? While parties are great—and we’ll have those—I wanted to distill the time in a tangible way. To hold it in my hands, and share with you, dear readers, in celebration and appreciation.
But how?
A collection! I dove into my published short fiction. Some I included because they were challenging to write. Several show my growth as a writer. I love them all. There’s science fiction, fantasy, and, yes, horror. Plus an all-new story from Night's Edge.


Here Be Monsters

Something malevolent lurks in deep space, something able to pluck starships from their course and cause their crews to vanish.

It has a purpose: to use those ships to mark an unmistakable boundary. A warning.

Beholder's Eye

United in their natural form they are one, sharing all their memories, experiences, and lives. Apart they are six, the only existing members of their ancient race, a species with the ability to assume any form once they understand its essence.

This Gulf of Time and Stars

To save their world, the most powerful of the Om’ray left their homes. They left behind all memory of their past. Calling themselves the Clan, they settled among Humanity, hiding in plain sight, using their ability to slip past normal space to travel where they wished, using their ability to control minds to ensure their place and security.

They are no longer hidden.

In the Company of Others

When the terraforming crews introduced the alien Quill to worlds where they did not belong, they saw them only as a mindless form of fungal life. But the Quill multiplied and mutated until they were no longer harmless. In the ensuing chaos, many stations failed. For the survivors, their only hope rests in finding a way to wipe out the Quill….

A Thousand Words For Stranger

Julie Czerneda's debut science fiction novel, the story of a woman on the run, from the law, her own people, and an unknown pursuer. Her memory taken from her by a stasis block, Sira must stay free long enough to regain her identity and the full use of her telepathic powers-for failure may cost not only her own future but that of her entire race.

The Gossamer Mage

Only in Tananen do people worship a single deity: the Deathless Goddess. Only in this small, forbidden realm are there those haunted by words of no language known to woman or man. The words are Her Gift, and they summon magic.

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Creature Feature

4 Hour Master Workshop for $99
(includes Whole Conference general admission to Fyrecon)
Class is limited to 12 students

Class Date
Saturday, November 12, 2022, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Mountain Time
At Fyrecon 6

Credible aliens that readers believe are built the same way you build credible characters — by providing the types of details necessary, and by thinking through the backstory. Or, in this case, the life story.

Join Julie E. Czerneda for an interactive workshop on developing and writing non-human characters who will leap from your pages. Bring your imagination and a plant (or vegetable). There will be time to address specific creature problems you may be encountering in your current WIP.

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