Fyrecon Master Workshop

Strategies for Success – Class 1: Pre-Sales
4 Hour Master Workshop for $79
(includes Whole Conference general admission to Fyrecon)
Class is limited to 25 students
Class Date
November 12, 2020, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Mountain Time
At Fyrecon 4
- Should you write a little novel or a big series?
- How do you turn your novel release into a major event?
- Creating a bestseller–from designing a cover, choosing a font, to getting and selecting cover quotes.
- How to write your bio and backcopy.
- Selecting the right reviewers for your book.
- Ramping up for the launch by creating your list.
- Getting in front of the public–radios and television.
- Choosing which bestseller lists to push for: Paper book, audiobook, e-book?
- Book promotional tie-ins–toys, posters, short stories, and more!