Master Class
Comics 101 Workshop with Chad Hardin
4-hour Master Class
Online Price – $79
(Ends June 16, 2018)
At the door price – $89
(all prices includes general admission)
Class is limited to 25 students
Saturday June 23 9am-1:30pm
Comics 101 Workshop with Chad Hardin. Come learn the basics of creating a comics with DC Comic artist Chad Hardin. This Workshop will cover everything you need to know about the basics of creating artwork for comic books including: drawing from imagination, basic anatomy, gesture, framing panels, perspective and the finished page. Participants will get a hands on feel for what it takes to create sequential art to tell any type of story they can imagine. So sharpen your pencils, ready your brushes, grab your sketchbook and get ready to make some exciting art that is the inspiration for pop culture worldwide.
Hour one: Pencil Drawing basics- shape, form, anatomy and gesture all from imagination.
Hour two: The basics of perspective.
Hour three: Framing your panels and designing your shots.
Hour four: Drawing with Ink.