M. Todd’s upcoming master workshops at Fyrecon events

M Todd Gallowglas
M. Todd Gallowglas

M. Todd Gallowglas
Storyteller. Writer. Educator. Academic. Critic. Geek. Expert.

Lullabies for Dungeon Crawlers

Poetry for Gamers. 'Nuff Said!

The Dragon Bone Flute

No one in Elzibeth’s village has seen any sign of a dragon in generations, yet they still have the good sense not to wander too close to the Dragon’s Cave for fear of stirring up old trouble. Three bullies challenge her to seek the cave place out, and though the last man who went there never returned, she must accept this task or risk losing her music forever. Returning to her village with a small bone as proof, Elzibeth learns that the magic of dragons is more than skin deep...

An Imbalance of Shadows

From the moment of her birth, Duchess Julianna Taraen has been blessed thrice by seven, seventh by thrice. During the celebration of her twenty-first birthday, Julianna calls upon that blessing in her moment of greatest need, and in doing so, she frees Grandfather Shadow, an ancient god of vengeance, from his thousand-year prison.

Halloween Jack and the Devil's Gate

When the Devil's Gate comes down, releasing all the hordes and legions of the darkest realm to roam the earth any night they wish, and jack o lanterns no longer keep the dark creatures at bay, only the last three descendants of the mythical Jack of the Lantern can save the world from the Devil and all his kin.

Dead Weight: The Tombs

The Faerie War is over. Did we win?
In "The Tombs," a former military bard, Boy Scout wallows in grief and self-pity in post-war San Francisco. He wants nothing more than to numb his mind and escape from the memories and stories that plague him from his time serving in the U.S. Marines during the war.

Stopwatch Stories: The Complete Omnibus

In 2016, M. Todd Gallowglas challenged himself to write a flash fiction story every day, calling these efforts Stopwatch Stories. This volume represents that journey. Contained within are the 365 flash fiction stories written for that challenge, along with four extra stories, including the first of what Gallowglas calls his "Evolutions."

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What Show, Don’t Tell Really Means

4 Hour Master Workshop for $99.00
(includes Whole Conference general admission to Fyrecon)
Class is limited to 16 students

Class Date
November 19, 2021, 6:00 PM to 9:50 PM Mountain Time
At Fyrecon 5

One of the first nuggets of wisdom that writers hear is, “Show, don’t tell.” However, few people can actually articulate what those three words mean, or how to put them into practice in our writing. This Masterclass will teach writers what “Show, don’t tell,” really means and why that bit of advice is different for every project.

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How to Give a Stellar Reading

4 Hour Master Workshop for $99.00
(includes Whole Conference general admission to Fyrecon)
Class is limited to 10 students

Class Date
November 20, 2021, 10:00 AM to 1:50 PM Mountain Time
At Fyrecon 5

M. Todd Gallowglas has been a traditional storyteller for nearly thirty years, performing at Renaissance Faire, Celtic Festivals, Comic Cons, and many other events. He will share tips and tricks gained over his career as a storyteller that will help writers get over stage fright and give readings that will make readers want to take the book home. We will also examine how recordings and online readings differ from live events.

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4 Steps to Engaging Writing

4 Hour Master Workshop for $99
(includes Whole Conference general admission to Fyrecon)
Class is limited to 16 students

Class Date
November 18, 2021, 2:00 PM to 5:50 PM Mountain Time
At Fyrecon 5

You have characters. You have a plot. You even have settings where the characters and the plot come together. The next step is to combine these elements of your writing in ways that will make your audience fall in love with your story. This workshop uses directed exercises and practical application to teach students the four steps that can transform writing from words, sentences, and paragraphs into an immersive experience that readers just can’t put down.

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